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May 25
Regular visits to your Chino Hills dentist are important because they help keep your teeth and your gums healthy. Dental checkup(s) should occur once every…
May 25
Why waiting to visit the dentist could be harmful to your health! All too often, individuals go years without a dental visit. Many people don’t see…
May 25
There are so many reasons to keep your family’s teeth and gums as healthy as possible including avoiding toothaches and maintaining a bright smile. New…
May 25
You might have noticed that you still have bad breath after brushing and flossing. In fact, some people ask their dentist why they suffer bad…
May 25
You might have bit into something hard or got hit in the mouth by accident. There are any number of reasons you may have suffered…
May 25
Cosmetic Dentistry goes beyond looks, it can boost your oral health! If you are unhappy with your smile. there is something you can do about…
May 25
Dentist, I’m sure that word brings negative images into your mind of a person with a mask on, holding a drill over you. Maybe you…
May 25
Why cosmetic dentistry may be right for you! Cosmetic dentistry is a term used to describe procedures that can improve the appearance of your teeth.…
May 25
If you are like most people, you probably grind your teeth on that rare occasion. Usually in your sleep. Occasional teeth grinding or bruxism, usually…